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CASS Theme Day

Wednesday is an open-access day for members of the Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS). Partnerships such as policy leadership on water quality issues and the upcoming Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting in 2022 (JASM2022) will be highlighted. Also join us as we honor inductees into the 2020 Class of AFS Fellows and then enjoy a packed schedule of live symposia sessions in the afternoon and evening.


CASS Flyer Final
CASS Presidents' Panel
  • American Fisheries Society: Brian Murphy
  • Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography: Roxane Maranger
  • Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation: Jim Fourqurean
  • Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society: Jeremy Tiemann
  • North American Lake Management Society: Perry Thomas
  • International Association for Great Lakes Research: Edward Verhamme
  • Phycological Society of America: Dale Casamatta
  • Society for Freshwater Science: Alonso Ramirez
  • Society of Wetland Scientists: Loretta Battaglia
Policy Panel
  • Sue Colvin, Arkansas Tech
  • S. Mažeika Sullivan, The Ohio State University
  • Roy Gardner, Stetson Law
  • Gillian Davies, BCS Group, Inc.


4:30 - 5:30 pm EDT
5:45 - 6:45 pm EDT


Induction of the 2020 Class of AFS Fellows, to be presented at the beginning of the CASS Theme Day session at 1:00 pm EDT.
  • Micheal Allen, University of Florida
  • T. Douglas Beard, Jr., USGS National Climate Adaptation Science Center
  • James R. Bence, Michigan State University
  • Scott Bonar, AFS Past President
  • Kai Lorenzen, University of Florida
  • Julian D. Olden, University of Washington
  • Michael C. Quist, University of Idaho
  • Jesse Trushenski, Riverence, and AFS Past President


Visit the Trade Show

Take a break, grab some coffee, and browse the virtual exhibits at the Trade Show! See the latest technology, ask questions, and visit their websites. You can also chat with exhibitors in the Trade Show Slack channel.

Bidding Open in the Virtual Silent Auction

Bidding is open in the Silent Auction - browse through fishing and nature trips, art and photography, jewelry, fishing equipment, and books. Registration for the Virtual Annual Meeting is not required to bid at the auction. Bidding closes at 4 pm EDT on Friday, September 25.


#IWasHooked - Share Your Favorites

Pay it forward and share your favorite talks from the meeting - which ones told a great story, taught you something new, or just made you say "wow" with great photos, videos, or graphics? Use our new # i_was_hooked Slack channel or #IWasHooked on Twitter.

Angling for Answers

Seeking more synchronicity in your interactions with presenters? Try Angling for Answers! Authors of 152 presentations will be online to immediately answer questions submitted via the Q&A box on their presentation's page. Wednesday's hours are:
  • 3:00 - 7:00 pm EDT (30-min slots)


It's not too late! All live sessions are being recorded and will be available for later viewing. Most papers and posters are pre-recorded and are available on demand 24/7 during and after the meeting.
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