american fisheries society newsletter

Year-End Book Sale

It's the most wonderful time of the year! From now until January 4, 2021, take advantage of our End-of-Year Book Sale and save on more than 100 selected titles. Complete your science library at dramatically reduced prices - all sale publications are priced from $5.00 to $20.00.

2021 Symposium Proposals Opening Soon

We're planning the Baltimore meeting, scheduled for August 8-12, 2021, as a hybrid meeting with flexible in-person and virtual attendance and presentation options. Look for an announcement about the opening of symposium proposal submissions coming in the next several days.


A Fishery after the Decline: The Susquehanna River Smallmouth Bass Story

The Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolomieu fishery in the Susquehanna River basin, Pennsylvania, is one of the most socioeconomically important fisheries in the region and has recently undergone considerable changes. Natural mortality rates, particularly for age‐0, increased during the years 2005–2011, and there were concerns for the overall health of this world‐class fishery. However, in recent years (2012–2017), there have been decreases in both mortality rates and external observations of disease, and increases in abundance across multiple size‐classes. Recent changes are encouraging for the future of this fishery.

Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program: A Look at the 2020 Class of Hutton Scholars

The 2020 Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program marked not only the 20th summer that the American Fisheries Society has been offering summer internship placements for high school students, but an opportunity for 11 students to still participate in their Hutton internships, despite the global pandemic. The Hutton Program is a paid internship program sponsored by the American Fisheries Society and its main goal is to recruit, select, and place students from underrepresented backgrounds in the fisheries profession today in hands‐on, researched‐based internships.


Maturity of Hairtail Varies with Latitude and Environment in the East China Sea

Early maturity of economically important fish has become a global issue, which might affect the reproductive potential of fish stocks. In this paper in Marine and Coastal Fisheries, the authors used samples collected in a fisheries‐independent survey in the East China Sea each August from 2002 to 2017 to investigate the maturation progress of female Hairtail Trichiurus japonicus in response to spatial variation, environmental variation, and CPUE.

Mind the Depth: The Vertical Dimension of a Small‐Scale Coastal Fishery

Small‐scale fisheries (SSFs) tend to target shallow waters, but the depth distributions of coastal fish can vary depending on species, size, and sex. This creates a scope for a form of fishing selectivity that has received limited attention but can have considerable implications for monitoring and management of these fisheries. This case study in Marine and Coastal Fisheries focuses on the Norwegian wrasse fishery, a developing SSF in which multiple species are caught in shallow waters (mean depth = 4.5 m) to be used as cleaner fish in aquaculture.


New: William R. Mote Fisheries Fellowship

AFS is thrilled to announce a newly established William R. Mote Fisheries Fellowship, an opportunity for graduate students to be awarded in 2021. AFS received a grant of $50,000 from the Mote Scientific Foundation to establish this exciting award opportunity. The award is named for the Foundation’s founder, Bill Mote, who was an avid angler and great benefactor for marine science. Details of the award are forthcoming. AFS is excited for the chance to expand opportunities for students and we send our sincerest thanks to the Mote Scientific Foundation.

Aquaculture Webinar

Register now for a webinar with Danielle Blacklock from the NOAA Fisheries Office of Aquaculture on "Establishing Aquaculture Opportunity Areas and How to Get Involved," on Monday, December 7 at 3 pm EST.

eDNA Webinar

Join us on January 14, 2021 at 2 pm EST for a webinar on "Intro to eDNA: Applications, Advantages and Implications," presented by Jay Cashubec of Precision Biomonitoring. Registration is now open.

2021 Continuing Education Course Proposals Now Open

AFS is now accepting proposals for Continuing Education courses for 2021! Courses are held year in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and offer half- or full-day deep dives into subjects related to fisheries. Past courses have included GIS, Fish Ageing, and Conflict Resolution, just to name a few!


EVENTS: See upcoming AFS and other events in our Events Calendar
CAREERS: For the latest JOBS postings from around the U.S. and Canada
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