american fisheries society newsletter


Virtual Annual Meeting Registration Open

Attend the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting from anywhere! Learn about the latest fisheries science from more than 800 on-demand papers and posters in 40 symposia and contributed paper sessions with convenient 24/7 access. Enjoy 10 days of exciting live programming to keep you engaged and interacting with your colleagues across North America and around the world. The Virtual Annual Meeting also includes all of the special events you know and love: the Spawning Run, student mentoring, awards presentations, Section meetings, and great plenary speakers.


Member Get A Member Campaign

Most AFS members say they are likely to recommend membership to their colleagues. Active members know firsthand the value their membership provides. Member-Get-A-Member is the ideal opportunity to encourage nonmember colleagues to join. New members will receive 18 months of membership benefits, including savings on Virtual Annual Meeting registration, for the yearly price. And current members can receive special prizes (and bragging rights) for recruiting new members!


Recovering America's Wildlife Act Passes House

The bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (H.R.3742) was included as an amendment to the Moving Forward Act, a transportation and infrastructure package that passed on the House floor last week. As an important part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and corresponding economic crisis, this recovery plan will put people back to work quickly and protect our valuable natural resource infrastructure. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act promises to benefit the nation’s economy by creating as many as 33,500 new jobs annually, supporting future economic growth in the outdoor recreation sector through infrastructure improvements, while increasing resiliency and recovery of imperiled species and their habitats. Stay tuned for how you can help move this forward in the Senate.


AFS 150: A Brief History of Fisheries in Canada

To celebrate the American Fisheries Society 150th anniversary, the authors of this article present a brief history of Canadian fisheries, from Indigenous to recreational to commercial. We take you across the country, starting in the Atlantic Ocean, inland through Canada, exploring the Great Lakes and other lakes, north to the Arctic Ocean, and, finally, dive into the Pacific Ocean.

Science Wins the Day in Clean Water Act Groundwater Battle

The federal law charged with safeguarding our nation’s water, the Clean Water Act, is under siege from all sides, with science in the crosshairs. In this column, Policy Director Drue Winters provides background on a recent success in the Maui groundwater Supreme Court case. This case, and the lessons learned, will be further explored in a Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS) panel during the Virtual Annual Meeting on September 23rd.


Two Anomalously Warm Years in the Northern California Current: Impacts on Early Marine Steelhead

To determine how steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss respond to major shifts in temperature, the authors of this paper compared diet composition, stomach fullness, size, and body condition of juvenile steelhead collected in 2015 and 2016 to those of a subset of steelhead collected in previous surveys (2001, 2002, 2004, and 2006–2011) that included warm, cool, and neutral ocean years.


Special Journal Section on Alligator Gar

Growing appreciation of biodiversity and the role of apex predators, along with the increasing popularity of multispecies and trophy‐oriented angling, has elevated the status of gars—in particular, the Alligator Gar Atractosteus spatula—among anglers and biologists alike. A new special section in the North American Journal of Fisheries Management brings together current knowledge on Alligator Gar conservation and management.
Photo credit: Solomon David.


New: Book Subscription Program

The American Fisheries Society now offers access to the PDF version of almost 100 book titles through a new institutional subscription plan. The plan provides agency staff unlimited access to all current AFS titles available in PDF format, as well as all future books released during the five-year subscription period.


EVENTS: See upcoming AFS and other events in our Events Calendar
CAREERS: For the latest JOBS postings from around the U.S. and Canada
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